Saturday, September 6, 2008


I was at the Capitola wharf and I was at the deep end. I was on a ladder IN the ocean. It was so weird. I was really high off the ground, trying to get these two surfboards hanging on a clothesline-type thing really high up there. I almost fell a bunch of times. I think it has to do with how I have to go on ladders at Pier 1. Anyway, I put on my wetsuit but I still had my sweatshirt on. I paddled my way toward these guys and I realized I had my ipod in my sweatshirt. It was totally wet but I raced back to the wharf to try and revive it. It still worked. I looked in the mirror and I had these awesome blonde dreads like this guy I saw in my dream. It was so cool but then I realized I had his face. Quite strange, but I was in normal clothes and I saw my friend Rhiana and she was surfing too. I wanted to go surfing again but my wetsuit was way up on that clothesline again and I didn't want to go up there because I was too afraid.

I think that's it?

Friday, September 5, 2008


Last night I had this dream where I was living in some house with a small pond right next to the road. I was walking around the backyard when this boar runs up and tries to gore me, and somehow I am able to hold its away from me. I call for help, and it changes into a crocodile and runs (as best as a croc can) into the pond. Not wanting it to attack a passerby, I try to hunt it down. I go next the pond and a tiger leaps out at me and knocks me down. It bites my hand off (It was really quite a scary dream) and someone on the road shot it and woke up.