Sunday, August 24, 2008


So I was at school.
It was all weird. really big. Multiple Stories...
I was going to PE on the 3rd floor. They had a Huge Gym up there. We did all the PE stuff and I was doing rather well. I was sick and coughing madly though so sometimes I would Slow down while running because I was not feeling well. The teacher kept getting mad at me and at the end of the period he came to me and said He was Worried that I was Depressed. I was Totally Blown Away by that.. Since when to PE Teachers care about anything? So I talk to him and He is full of hot gas. I tell he I am not depressed but he would never believe me. He just kept getting mad. He told me that I was doing so bad in the class. He gave me a large piece of paper filled with all these PE things to do (on my own time) by the end of the year or I wouldn't pass. The list was ridiculous and there were only like 2 days left in the school year. Upset, I went home that day, Had a glass of water and then went to the bookstore downtown to buy some book.
I later went to the Fair and everything was crazy. lots of strange clowns. They even had a little log flume ride that was all flimsy because it is portable.

Random I know... But I figured I might as well post something here.

such strange dreams...

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