Thursday, July 10, 2008

I don't have a subject for this.

I just woke up.

Okay, there was this...talent show/play/wedding/concert going on. I saw some of my friends. Everyone was noisy, especially me. I saw my ex, Daniel, and we started talking just like old times and that was pretty weird. Then I heard that my old friends Sergio, Dylan, and someone else was here!!! I ran into the driveway and gave them all HUGE hugs. Then I was wondering how my best friend Amber was going to react because she used to go out with Sergio. Then I saw her and Sergio walking together and they started holding hands. They walked by me but it wasn't really was someone else, a new boyfriend. I was holding Dylan's hand for some reason. We went to the show/play/wedding/concert thing again and sat down, my friend Lila was with me at all times throughout this dream. Then I looked over and saw Nick! He was smoking pot, it was the weirdest thing. I was angry. Then I saw my different friend Nick right beside Nick, except this "Nick" is someone I don't know exists. So..we leave. We (me and Lila) are at my old house. Nothing is happening there so we go to my grandpa's house. We hear a lot of things in there, but we go to my great aunt's house (which was right next door for some reason). We hear things and we get scared then all of my friends come in on all fours and laugh. We all laugh. I decide to look for Sergio and Amber but they are no where. I look for his car. There were SO many cars in my Grandpa's driveway. It was like a parking lot...but I finally found his and the left backlight was on, blinking. I looked inside, nobody there. I decided to look inside my Grandpa's house. I woke up.

This was the closet dream to reality I'd ever had.

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