Monday, July 21, 2008


I had a dream where I was at a school and in PE (Probably the first day of school) Ms. Bellsey was one of the teachers. I was thinking, "No, I going to have her for the third year in a row and am going to fail. In the class we first just ran around the track (The school didn't look like Soquel High) For some reason I was eating something hard for a really long time. After the run, We were going to split up into 2 groups to do something and Petra Clinger (She was in my 8th grade homeroom class) was in my group. I wanted to say hi but was eating something. We started to run around the track again ,but this time I was racing the other people. It turned into Mario Kart somehow and Nick was there. I was playing as Birdo for some strange reason and I was like in 2nd place and never could get 1st. I noticed I was just pressing random buttons and I turned into a flat Birdo and went really fast. I was laughing in the dream. It was one odd dream

1 comment:

Petra said...

Who dreamed this? Did you have Mr. Adams for homeroom with me in 8th grade? Is this Grace?