Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Michael Richards
In my dream I was talking to my mother about how my dad knew a lot of famous people and she said, "Well only for like 3 years." Then later into the dream I was having this weird party in a vintage tint, kind of like I was looking at it through an old picture from the 70's. All I remember was that Kevin was there and we were living it up, having a good time. I was looking through my mom's wedding album and there were like 4 pictures of my dad with Michael Richards! At their wedding! I thought that was really awesome. I told Kevin about it and he was laughing.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I had the wildest dream last night. I was living in the old clock tower like mansion with a bunch of people, I think we were part of some elusive school. Anyways we explored around and I think there were some ghosts or something. Anyways we find the room where some students had been killed, including my sister, the reason I got into the tower. The room was left the same since the attack, the walls spread in blood and the room in disarray. The strange thing was where my sister was killed there's some black char marks on the wall by her bed and no blood stains. They say something must have phased through that could gain a physical form and might have just kidnapped my sister. I walk out to the balcony to get some air and look into the sky and ask my self, "Where are you sis." I suddenly feel a surge in energy and then a dragon that reminded me of a yu-gi-oh card appeared and tried to eat me. I run inside and tell my new companies and we run to tell the head master. We soon learn the dragon is after the colored ones who turn out to be us. We're each assaigned a color after the 8 elements and are dressed like the red mage's from FF3 in our respective color with round rimmed glasses. Soon the dragon apperars again and again in different colors and a symbol on it's head. So when a colored one of the same color as the dragon see's the dragons's head symbol it kills them. I'm the first to die but I come back as someone else bu also me, a recurring theme in my dreams. Now my outfit is red or grey. So the dragon kills a bunch of the colored and I'm there for them all as I'm immure now or something. So when it tries to kill the white colored one white doesn't see all of it's head symbol and lives and the dragon is wounded. So the headmasters and council make us weapons that concil out killer symbol when we look through a part of them and we go off to slay the dragon. Theres a part where green and I go to game crazy and the main guy tuerns into a squirtle and then evovles into a HUGE blastosie when we pissed him off. Crazy, I woke up before we could slay the dragon.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Last night at Richards
I dreamed that I was trying to date this girl Justeen from my school. It was really weird. I kept losing her in crowds of people but we still had a good time. The next day at school she pulled me out and we went out again. That's about all I remember.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I had a dream I was black last night... I went through a normal day at school, 'cept i was black. Ms. Bellsey asked me if I was Jamaican, the 'whales' tried to throw stuff at me and all my teachers wouldn'y let me talk during class. Tony also stopped me about every five minutes saying he suspected I had a gun, speed, crack, and a meth lab in my backpack... overall it was a wierd dream.
I was eating a big, tall cheesy sandwich at the dining table. Then I heard a strange noise, over and over, and I looked out the backyard window and I saw a bird swooping and flying away. Then I went to stand to see better. The abnormally big blue bird was now pecking at our slide door. I said to my mom, "Look! a blue jay" The blue jay was now making little cracks in the door. I scared it away. Then a green bird came and did the same thing. I am pretty sure I scared it off too. A Bulbasaur showed after after. I was in the little grass place across the back fence I think. Bulbasaur was stomping n puddles of water while he was playing fetch. Later, I showed my mom the Bulbasaur and great blue jay.
I was looking in the mirror of my bathroom and my white of my eyes were oozing out. I thought this was happening because my eyelids were too tight. I rubbed under my eye and made it stop. I was also thinking, "I heard this happen to alot of people."
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Well, I was in band and was doing an audition or test. I was told I was going to be 3rd clarinet and Shannon, Mr. Stewart's daughter, was going to be 2nd clarinet. I was thinking: "So, that's it. I'm 3rd clarinet." I'm guessing it is/was my Junior year!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I had a dream that I was at a Slayer concert. They let me go up on stage and play a few songs on bass guitar, even though I don't know how to play bass, I knew how to play the first song fairly well. The bass guitar was a wooden stir spoon, but when I played it, it made music. At first, I couldn't decide if I played it right handed or left, or which was which. I got it right after a few seconds. Then they played a second song, but I didn't know it so I went and sat back down in my seat. That's all I remember.
All New Dream!
My friends and I. We were in one of the shopping Plazas in Capitola and we were going to sleep on the grass there. It was for my birthday. Somebody got me these cool bubbles that come off the wand very easily and were all different colors. I knew what they were and got really excited. When everybody was sleeping, it was pitch black but, I got up knowing exactly where it was. I had a feeling that there were a ton of people sleeping on the ground and there were some cars around. I went into a shop and opened the bubbles bottle and swinged the wand around. The bubbles were glow in the dark. Later in the dream I was at the Plaza with Alex telling him the dream I had.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
This is my first dream vlog. Whatever. I'll upload it to YouTube also, I guess. I'll get better at vlogging soon, don't worry. I had another dream last night. It was way too weird to describe and I can't remember some vital moments, anyway. I'll just say that it had to do with the Shawshank Redemption, deformed children, killing people, and some other stuff.
jason schwartz,
Monday, April 21, 2008
Another Bizzare Dream
Last night I had a Dream where I was a fox. I kept trying to break into Farmer John's chicken coop, but then he shot me.... I woke up (in the dream i mean) as a chicken. I was in Farmer Johns grip. I looked a him and he was holding an axe. Well, I bet you can guess what happaned after that. The dream was very scary...
So weird homez...
Okay, so I cannot remember this dream at all. The only part I vaguely remember is something about blood and melting M&Ms.
strange dream
I had a very strange dream last night. I was in some sort of movie with Johnny Depp and we were going through some sort of maze. The screenplay for the movie was based on an essay that Luther wrote for Mr. Levi’s class. I have no idea how that made any sense but it did at the time. Johnny Depp was dressed like Edward Scissorhands and even had the scissor hands but he didn’t act like that character. He acted more like I image he would in real life. As the movie was going I was reading Luther’s essay and it was some sort of story about girls who had been murdered. In the end, I think that we went into a room that had like four boys who had been murdered by a town’s villagers for some reason. I think it was supposed to be sad but I remember being really scared. Then, when I woke up it was like four in the morning and I thought it was more like one and that I had just been thinking a little before sleep but it was really four. I was really cold in the morning. I need to start sleeping with two blankets again.
Saturday and Sunday night's dreams.
Saturday: Firstly, I was enjoying a nice day at school and I went into the library but it was all kind of creepy, thundery, and dark but it wasn't all that scary. All of a sudden, my friend Amber (doesn't go to this school) pops out and surprises me! I am very touched. Then she starts talking to all these people like they are good ol' friends. Then Jason and Nick were telling me to ditch or something crazy. We were walking down the street and I saw David Melendy in Kuhn's car except it was a white van instead of a red one. I decided to hijack the car and drove it about a few feet, then I parked it back. By then the car was thrashed for some reason so we walked away. LATER:
We were in this house-place that looked like my friend Wilma's house, except it was mansionous (not a word). Anyways, it was so cool. Like a fun house. All of these colors and mirrors and Nick and Jason and David and Jazmin and all of those kids were there. There were these mystical-looking creature. I made GREAT friends with this furry animal thing. It looked kind of like Sully from Monsters Inc.! So precious. Annnyywayyssss, we were pretty inseparable. Then all of a sudden we fell of the second floor off the railing. We were just falling, not a scary fall, but a fall. Sully was on the bottom and when we landed he died and it was very sad. After that, I was on the ground and this spider comes up. It has this exoskeleton that looks like two leafs. They are florescent white. It also kind of looks like a caterpillar. But anyways, this spider starts coming at me! It's chasing me and I am having a real hard time moving. I am dragging my legs and I can't get up in a running position. I finally reach the stairs and I climb a few of them and look down. David is down there and I ask him if the spider is still there. He said yes and it pops out again but this time it is bright green colored.
Sunday: I was walking around in Capitola Village and all this construction was going on and there were a bunch of new shops and they were all having great sales! I looked across the street and there was one called SoHo (which isn't a real shop). It had a big sign that said SALE and the windows had these mannequins that were dressed in the most awesome clothes! So I went into the shop. There were circular racks of beautiful skirts and shirts you'd find in H&M and Forever 21. Their sale tags were humongous and hard to read. I picked up something that I thought was a skirt. It was 15% off of 9 bucks! Amazing! I found out it was a shirt but it was still awesome. I only had about 20 bucks on me. I was looking at these other racks that had fun toy things (which reminded me of Urban Outfitters). They were way over priced (which again reminded me of Urban Outfitters). I stood there when this guy comes up to me and asks if I needed help with anything. He sticks by my side and helps me shop and we were talking. For some reason, although he was a guy, I thought he was a lesbian. He would say things like, "I have this new girlfriend" or "I effed my girlfriend last night." It was really weird. He was saying how he was in a band. He also said some weird things to me that were obsessive and weird. He was a creeper. But I left, saying that I needed to go home and get money. Weird
We were in this house-place that looked like my friend Wilma's house, except it was mansionous (not a word). Anyways, it was so cool. Like a fun house. All of these colors and mirrors and Nick and Jason and David and Jazmin and all of those kids were there. There were these mystical-looking creature. I made GREAT friends with this furry animal thing. It looked kind of like Sully from Monsters Inc.! So precious. Annnyywayyssss, we were pretty inseparable. Then all of a sudden we fell of the second floor off the railing. We were just falling, not a scary fall, but a fall. Sully was on the bottom and when we landed he died and it was very sad. After that, I was on the ground and this spider comes up. It has this exoskeleton that looks like two leafs. They are florescent white. It also kind of looks like a caterpillar. But anyways, this spider starts coming at me! It's chasing me and I am having a real hard time moving. I am dragging my legs and I can't get up in a running position. I finally reach the stairs and I climb a few of them and look down. David is down there and I ask him if the spider is still there. He said yes and it pops out again but this time it is bright green colored.
Sunday: I was walking around in Capitola Village and all this construction was going on and there were a bunch of new shops and they were all having great sales! I looked across the street and there was one called SoHo (which isn't a real shop). It had a big sign that said SALE and the windows had these mannequins that were dressed in the most awesome clothes! So I went into the shop. There were circular racks of beautiful skirts and shirts you'd find in H&M and Forever 21. Their sale tags were humongous and hard to read. I picked up something that I thought was a skirt. It was 15% off of 9 bucks! Amazing! I found out it was a shirt but it was still awesome. I only had about 20 bucks on me. I was looking at these other racks that had fun toy things (which reminded me of Urban Outfitters). They were way over priced (which again reminded me of Urban Outfitters). I stood there when this guy comes up to me and asks if I needed help with anything. He sticks by my side and helps me shop and we were talking. For some reason, although he was a guy, I thought he was a lesbian. He would say things like, "I have this new girlfriend" or "I effed my girlfriend last night." It was really weird. He was saying how he was in a band. He also said some weird things to me that were obsessive and weird. He was a creeper. But I left, saying that I needed to go home and get money. Weird
Friday, April 18, 2008
I had a dream last night that Dillon Biachi (Spelling?) asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes. We weren't physically old but we were around 24. I think I had this bit of the dream because on the episode of the Office yesterday, Jim almost proposed to Pam. Anyways, so he got me this bracelet and ring that was pretty normal. The ring was too big for my finger so it kept falling off and I almost lost it! Then the ring turned weird with lacy metal and pink and white pearls. I fastened it onto my finger.
Yessssssss. I think that was about the end.
I also had one before that but I don't remember it yet. Last night went by so slow. I would go to sleep, wake up, think it was 5 a.m., but I'd look at the clock and it was 10 p.m. Weird stuff
Yessssssss. I think that was about the end.
I also had one before that but I don't remember it yet. Last night went by so slow. I would go to sleep, wake up, think it was 5 a.m., but I'd look at the clock and it was 10 p.m. Weird stuff
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Super Hyper Mega Dream!
Last night I had the trippiest dream I have ever had. I remember it vividly. It started innocently enough. I was on hill, and there was a car coming up the hill. It was a very steep hill. I wondered how the car didn't slow down, but I moved out of the way. When I did, it sped up and turned towards me. That's when I got a view of the driver. It was Gordon Ramsey, the famous chef. I wondered what the hell he was doing driving up a steep hill at high speeds to try and hit me for, but I ran. Then I tripped on my way down the hill. Oddly enough, the other side of the hill did't exist, so I started falling. At this point, as I was falling, I looked over and saw Gandalf the wizard from Lord of the Rings fighting that demon monster from the first movie. (I had watched that movie before I went to bed) Then I heard the roar of an engine, and looked up to see Gordon's car had transformed into a Bumblebee. It shot a rocket at me, but the rocket missed me and hit the demon who had just ripped Gandalf's head off. That pissed the demon off, and the demon started fighting a giant Bumblebee that had transformed from Gordon's car. I looked up at the fight. I could hear them talking, but they where speaking Korean or something. So I kept falling and watching the fight until the demon punched the head of the Bumblebee robot. Gordon fell out, then his body grew wings and a spike on his 'behind'. He flew up and stung the demon, which tried to swat Gorbee, but only succeded in hitting me. Oddly, it didn't hurt at all. When Gorbee stung the demon, it started to disintagrate. Then Gorbee came after me again. Right after he started to fly at me, I hit the ground. I ran off into the jungle nearby. I saw a sign, and it said to watch out for that tree. I didn't know what that meant, so I ran on. Then i saw what it meant. Some guy who looked like Ben Stiller was swinging through the trees. I realized the sign was a George of the Jungle reference. But then Ben saw me, and ooked and akked. He sounded pissed. So he started chasing me thorugh the jungle. I decided to try to fight Gorbee and Ben Stiller. As I turned around, Gorbee stung me through the head and I woke up.
Ben Stiller,
Gordon Ramsey
Monday, April 14, 2008
The last dream I can remember was on Saturday night. I was in the level of Mario Kart DS (battle mode) where you play on the large NDS. Vince Vaughn was there and he was a dentist. There was a Polish dental patient who looked like Mr. Bidelman combined with this guy from Courage.

All the anesthesiologists had died in the Holocaust so the man was very nervous as he was getting a root canal (I'm not sure exactly who or what or where I was during all of this. I can't remember what I was doing in the dream). Dr. Vaughn pulled out three of his teeth and moved some around because the Polish man only had nerve endings (and in this dream new teeth can only grow where nerve endings are hanging) on certain spots in his gums. The whole procedure was less painful than he thought. I believe that I remembered more of this dream just as I was waking but I can't remember now.

All the anesthesiologists had died in the Holocaust so the man was very nervous as he was getting a root canal (I'm not sure exactly who or what or where I was during all of this. I can't remember what I was doing in the dream). Dr. Vaughn pulled out three of his teeth and moved some around because the Polish man only had nerve endings (and in this dream new teeth can only grow where nerve endings are hanging) on certain spots in his gums. The whole procedure was less painful than he thought. I believe that I remembered more of this dream just as I was waking but I can't remember now.
Friday, April 11, 2008
parts of a dream
I was in front of an indoors Disneyland. You had to be 18 years old to go in. I sneaked by the security at the entrance that let's people in. Inside, I went on a few rides. (I don't remember what they were.) I sneaked by the security and passed back through the entrance and found my parents somewhere around there. They asked me where I went. I told them I went inside. My parents told me I had to be 18. I just said, "Oh."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
website This is a site about dreams. This page is frequently asked questions. It is quite interesting.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Stage N1-N3
Last night I had a dream where I was at school with these two people I hated, and I planned to kill myself by sticking a tube in my ear that uploaded pills into my brain and killed me. I fell over and could hear everyone saying I was dead, but I didn't go anywhere. That was all I remember.
Stage N1
It started in my garage and I was drinking water. Then I felt hair in my mouth. I looked at the water I was drinking, and it was full of my cat's hair, but for some reason I kept drinking it. Then it started tasting like stale horse piss, but again, I continued to drink it. Then I walked out of my garage and it ended right as I stepped out.
Previous Dreams
Stage N1-N3: I was at a school that I've never seen before, and someone with a dog comes onto the playground, and it was really cute. Everyone goes up to pet it, including me, the dog licks my hand, and I think it's cute. I try to move away, but it keeps licking, then I finally pull my hand away. I look at it, and it grows red. For some reason, it seemed scary in the dream, so I screamed, and then I woke up.
Stage N1-N4: I was at my friend Josh's house, but in the dream, it was owned by my friend Brian. We were walking down the stairs, and Brian says he can jump them (there are about 30 steps). He jumps them, then starts to scream. And I said, "I told you it would hurt." Then as we went into the house down the stairs, my hand wandered along the railing of the stairs which was covered in these flowers. We opened the screen door to his house and I noticed a flower got stuck on my finger. I tried to pull it off, but I then realized it was growing from inside my finger, and I could only make it grow. I screamed, then Brian's mom Devi comes into the hallway, pauses, then screams louder than I did. I look into a full length mirror and see that the flower has sprouted on my head. I start to scream, then I feel it growing into my throat, my scream gets muffled, then I wake up, only to find out that I was suffocating myself with a pillow, which was the cause of the flower growing down into my throat in the dream.
Stage N1: I was running, and for some reason I already knew I was a werewolf being chased by a vampire (most likely caused by my seeing the movie Underworld too much), I jumped over this building about 5 stories high (it was my only option), and then right when I landed on the ground, the dream ended.
Stage N1-3: I was in a mall unfamiliar to me, and I saw two people riding bikes. I noticed them from the back as Carly and Maria. I yelled, "Carly!" And she turned around and smiled at me. Then it fast-forwarded to me walking with her and talking. We saw Spencer's and I walked in for some reason. It was a mix of the Spencer's and Disney Store in my mall. It was Halloween apparently because they had a bunch of Halloween stock. Then something popped out and ate me.
Stage N1: I was running from a vampire, ghost, mummy, and some other ghouls, and then the dream ended. It was very strange and seemed like it only lasted five seconds, when in reality, it had been approx. and hour.
Stage N1-N4: I was at my friend Josh's house, but in the dream, it was owned by my friend Brian. We were walking down the stairs, and Brian says he can jump them (there are about 30 steps). He jumps them, then starts to scream. And I said, "I told you it would hurt." Then as we went into the house down the stairs, my hand wandered along the railing of the stairs which was covered in these flowers. We opened the screen door to his house and I noticed a flower got stuck on my finger. I tried to pull it off, but I then realized it was growing from inside my finger, and I could only make it grow. I screamed, then Brian's mom Devi comes into the hallway, pauses, then screams louder than I did. I look into a full length mirror and see that the flower has sprouted on my head. I start to scream, then I feel it growing into my throat, my scream gets muffled, then I wake up, only to find out that I was suffocating myself with a pillow, which was the cause of the flower growing down into my throat in the dream.
Stage N1: I was running, and for some reason I already knew I was a werewolf being chased by a vampire (most likely caused by my seeing the movie Underworld too much), I jumped over this building about 5 stories high (it was my only option), and then right when I landed on the ground, the dream ended.
Stage N1-3: I was in a mall unfamiliar to me, and I saw two people riding bikes. I noticed them from the back as Carly and Maria. I yelled, "Carly!" And she turned around and smiled at me. Then it fast-forwarded to me walking with her and talking. We saw Spencer's and I walked in for some reason. It was a mix of the Spencer's and Disney Store in my mall. It was Halloween apparently because they had a bunch of Halloween stock. Then something popped out and ate me.
Stage N1: I was running from a vampire, ghost, mummy, and some other ghouls, and then the dream ended. It was very strange and seemed like it only lasted five seconds, when in reality, it had been approx. and hour.
An super duper old dream. I had it so long ago I can't even remember when I had it.
I was in my house on the bottom bunk of my bed and I woke up. It was really dark still. There was some sort of shadow creature in my room creeping closer to me. Really fast, I run out of my room, jump down from the upstairs ledge to the first floor, run through the living room and bust out of the door
I was in my house on the bottom bunk of my bed and I woke up. It was really dark still. There was some sort of shadow creature in my room creeping closer to me. Really fast, I run out of my room, jump down from the upstairs ledge to the first floor, run through the living room and bust out of the door
half of a dream
When I wake up I usually don't think about what I was just dreaming. It will come to me later when I see something that reminds me of the dream. This morning, I saw a hair straightener and it reminded me of how I wanted to kill myself by electrocution in my dream.
I dreamt that I was at some sort of facility with Nick Chao and my brother. I think it was some sort of summer camp or training camp or something like that. Anyway, we had to go to some volleyball court for some reason. Once we were there I think that I remember talking to Josh and Nick about something. Then, we were in a house. And we solved some sort of odd puzzle so that I could obtain a mystical sword and battle this demon/monster thing. I was beating the monster in combat but then I dropped my sword and it started killing me. It hurt a lot so I was just waiting for it to kill me but I unplugged something from the wall and it died. I figured that since I was so injured I should just die because I still had some lives left. I wanted to electrocute myself with a hair dryer but then I woke up.
I dreamt that I was at some sort of facility with Nick Chao and my brother. I think it was some sort of summer camp or training camp or something like that. Anyway, we had to go to some volleyball court for some reason. Once we were there I think that I remember talking to Josh and Nick about something. Then, we were in a house. And we solved some sort of odd puzzle so that I could obtain a mystical sword and battle this demon/monster thing. I was beating the monster in combat but then I dropped my sword and it started killing me. It hurt a lot so I was just waiting for it to kill me but I unplugged something from the wall and it died. I figured that since I was so injured I should just die because I still had some lives left. I wanted to electrocute myself with a hair dryer but then I woke up.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
This happened in 50 minutes. I awoke, looked at my DS alarm and it said that. Right when I began going to sleep again this happened. It's kind of long.
Dream: Jason Schwartz and I and some other people I knew (I forgot who else was there, maybe Nick Chao) were sitting on a red wooden bench in a sunny park type atmosphere. We were eating pizza (I think) and were discussing our assignments. I'm not sure what kind of assignment, but I noticed Michael Lenchik sitting at right side of Jason (Michael looked exactly the same as usual and I didn't realize he was present). I was on the left of Jason. I leaned on the bench and I said, "Oh, Hi." ( I'm pretty sure.) Michael replied with hey. We all had papers with something to do with our "assignment". We talked about what we were going to do and concluded with going to seperate places for a reason. Later, sitting on a ledge of a dark blue wall next to stairs, I was looking around. (There was another part that is in between , which I forgot) The sky was like an grey afternoon. There were many signs and banners. One was a white strip on the ceiling with black letter written on it, "Pin-in... (Something I forgot, I know it said something about it being cheaper and easier to put up. While waiting, observing (Not sure), I felt the need to go to the bathroom. I, looking to the left of me, saw a restaurant with a metal sink and trash can right from the view where I was sitting. I assumed it was a bathroom It also didn't have a door. Now in sunlight across a bridge,I stepped up the four steps to the place. A waitress standing next to the entrance asked me what I would like? I answered, May I use the bathroom? She said sure. I would in almost waddling because, I needed to go poop. I looked for a toilet and asked her again if I could go to the bathroom. A lady came around a table and said "Swing!" I looked in the direction where the noise came from and I followed her through a secret backdoor that led us outside to a wooden spiral staircase. We went down the stairs to a dirt fenced yard filled with a few stone square arcs and a few flower gardens. We walked out to the sidewalk that was aside it. While following the sidewalk, the lady said they only go here for certain occasions. We walked back into the yard from a different side and walked up steps of a stone rectangular pyramid. It looked like something that would be in Zelda. On top, there was a ancient wise person with a long white beard in a stone throne. He was facing the same direction as we were when we walked in, so I never saw his face. The woman asked, "May this boy go to the bathroom?" He said, "You are 40 years late." All three of us laughed. (At the time the comment made a lot of sense.) She said, so can he go?. The old man said, "Yes, but I must tell him something first ( I said, "Yes?")... penetrating knowledge... (He said more I couldn't understand and forgot when I awoke) On DeviantArt you should do some drawings, you could just color in some old drawings you already have." (I awake!)
Dream: Jason Schwartz and I and some other people I knew (I forgot who else was there, maybe Nick Chao) were sitting on a red wooden bench in a sunny park type atmosphere. We were eating pizza (I think) and were discussing our assignments. I'm not sure what kind of assignment, but I noticed Michael Lenchik sitting at right side of Jason (Michael looked exactly the same as usual and I didn't realize he was present). I was on the left of Jason. I leaned on the bench and I said, "Oh, Hi." ( I'm pretty sure.) Michael replied with hey. We all had papers with something to do with our "assignment". We talked about what we were going to do and concluded with going to seperate places for a reason. Later, sitting on a ledge of a dark blue wall next to stairs, I was looking around. (There was another part that is in between , which I forgot) The sky was like an grey afternoon. There were many signs and banners. One was a white strip on the ceiling with black letter written on it, "Pin-in... (Something I forgot, I know it said something about it being cheaper and easier to put up. While waiting, observing (Not sure), I felt the need to go to the bathroom. I, looking to the left of me, saw a restaurant with a metal sink and trash can right from the view where I was sitting. I assumed it was a bathroom It also didn't have a door. Now in sunlight across a bridge,I stepped up the four steps to the place. A waitress standing next to the entrance asked me what I would like? I answered, May I use the bathroom? She said sure. I would in almost waddling because, I needed to go poop. I looked for a toilet and asked her again if I could go to the bathroom. A lady came around a table and said "Swing!" I looked in the direction where the noise came from and I followed her through a secret backdoor that led us outside to a wooden spiral staircase. We went down the stairs to a dirt fenced yard filled with a few stone square arcs and a few flower gardens. We walked out to the sidewalk that was aside it. While following the sidewalk, the lady said they only go here for certain occasions. We walked back into the yard from a different side and walked up steps of a stone rectangular pyramid. It looked like something that would be in Zelda. On top, there was a ancient wise person with a long white beard in a stone throne. He was facing the same direction as we were when we walked in, so I never saw his face. The woman asked, "May this boy go to the bathroom?" He said, "You are 40 years late." All three of us laughed. (At the time the comment made a lot of sense.) She said, so can he go?. The old man said, "Yes, but I must tell him something first ( I said, "Yes?")... penetrating knowledge... (He said more I couldn't understand and forgot when I awoke) On DeviantArt you should do some drawings, you could just color in some old drawings you already have." (I awake!)
zelda-like action-adventure video game world
In this dream I had a grandfather who lived alone in a large house. He trained me in the ways of magic at his house. At one point, later in my dream, I went to a dungeon. I saw a lot of prisoners and they were all naked women. The prison guards would pour hot wax on them. I had a conversation with one of them and she asked me to free her. I went back to my home village and went to see my grandmother and OTHER grandfather who lived in a small house and made potions. For some reason my magic-teaching grandfather didn't want me to leave and rescue the woman, who happened to be the princess (for some reason I knew this). I stayed with my other grandparents all night while they made potions for me. In the morning, they were almost done but my other grandfather was coming to get me. They were indifferent to my troubles and did not speed up their potion making at all so, my grandfather reached the house. To my surprise, he said that I could go. i took my potions and left for the dungeon.
That is all I remember.
That is all I remember.
Project sleep isn't spam!!
The blog was finally unlocked! It must have been locked as spam by Google for seven or eight days now. This is good because I have some crazy dreams. And Trevor, too!
Before I fell asleep something very good happened. I remembered a very good bit of a previous dream that I have since forgotten. Well what I remembered was a bunny-like beast-creature who was hitting a sword with a blunt hammer-like object. I believe that he was forging a very nice sword for me to use. I liked it a lot. A LOT!
I then fell asleep. I dreamt that I was at an after school event with Trevor (like a football game or something). Then, Trevor was going to give me a ride home so we went to his car. He and his brother (Alex) were wearing very funny jeans rolled up to the thigh and large boots that reached the bottom of the rolled up jeans. I asked why they were wearing those funny clothes and they said it was because they had to work all day Saturday (the next day) for religious purposes. For some reason I ended up sleeping over with Trevor or something because I woke up there (or I was there in the morning or something). Alex was playing piano and then he threw the religious piano sheet music at Trevor's television and said that he hated it. This caused Trevor's whole house to collapse. His dad got angry and punished Alex, Thomas (Trevor's other brother), and Trevor's two sisters (for some reason Trevor didn't exist anymore and he had two sisters instead). Trevor's dad punished them by giving them all flies that a dog or cat would have and they all died. This seemed very cruel to me at the time. It was a very odd situation.
I then fell asleep. I dreamt that I was at an after school event with Trevor (like a football game or something). Then, Trevor was going to give me a ride home so we went to his car. He and his brother (Alex) were wearing very funny jeans rolled up to the thigh and large boots that reached the bottom of the rolled up jeans. I asked why they were wearing those funny clothes and they said it was because they had to work all day Saturday (the next day) for religious purposes. For some reason I ended up sleeping over with Trevor or something because I woke up there (or I was there in the morning or something). Alex was playing piano and then he threw the religious piano sheet music at Trevor's television and said that he hated it. This caused Trevor's whole house to collapse. His dad got angry and punished Alex, Thomas (Trevor's other brother), and Trevor's two sisters (for some reason Trevor didn't exist anymore and he had two sisters instead). Trevor's dad punished them by giving them all flies that a dog or cat would have and they all died. This seemed very cruel to me at the time. It was a very odd situation.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
On Tuesday, I dreamt that my dad's brother's girlfriend came over to visit. It was odd because she came to my mom's house and my parents are divorced. In my house I had a pool that was more like a swamp where I hid a bag of corn tortilla chips. Then everyone except for me went into the water to find them. My uncle's girlfriend asked me why I didn't go in and I said that I could photoshop it to look like I did. That's all I remember.
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