Tuesday, April 8, 2008

zelda-like action-adventure video game world

In this dream I had a grandfather who lived alone in a large house. He trained me in the ways of magic at his house. At one point, later in my dream, I went to a dungeon. I saw a lot of prisoners and they were all naked women. The prison guards would pour hot wax on them. I had a conversation with one of them and she asked me to free her. I went back to my home village and went to see my grandmother and OTHER grandfather who lived in a small house and made potions. For some reason my magic-teaching grandfather didn't want me to leave and rescue the woman, who happened to be the princess (for some reason I knew this). I stayed with my other grandparents all night while they made potions for me. In the morning, they were almost done but my other grandfather was coming to get me. They were indifferent to my troubles and did not speed up their potion making at all so, my grandfather reached the house. To my surprise, he said that I could go. i took my potions and left for the dungeon.

That is all I remember.

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